
Saving a Data Record :
The calculation can be saved under a user-preferred name by entering the name in textfield (7). The following steps should be followed to save the calculation. A tutorial video for saving calculation is available here :

  • Enter a case name in textfield (7)
  • Press the save 💾  button (3) in the toolbar to save the calculation.
Once successfully saved, the record will appear in the pickerview (8).

Retrieving a Data Record :  
At launch, the app loads the user default (preferred) units saved in the "Units" screen.
Loading a previously saved data case can be done by simply double tapping the pickerview (8), if the record is already selected. Or by rotating it, if another case than the selected is to be loaded.
By doing so, the case data and associated units will be loaded and the calculation shall be automatically run.

Sharing Calculations:
  • An email message including all inputs and outputs for the calculation will be composed when pressing the e-mail ✉️ button (2) in the toolbar. This option requires that at least one email address is defined in the mail app (Tutorial video).
  • Pressing the share ⬆️ Button (1) in the toolbar will share a screen capture of the calculations via email, messaging apps, airdrop, and other apps.... or saving it to the photos folder (Tutorial video).
  • Also, double tapping on the calculation output section will copy all inputs and outputs to the clipboard.