The “Dilution” module allows to calculate the volumes of raw acid and water that need to be added in order to have a specific volume of diluted acid at a specified diluted concentration.
Below are the functions of each button and entry field in the module:
- Return to "Home" screen
- Access "Units" screen to change preferred units
- Recall the saved (preferred) units
- Save Calculation
- e-mail calculation inputs and results
- Share screen capture
- Enter raw HCl acid concentration
- Enter desired HCl acid concentration
- Enter water density (water used for dilution)
- Enter desired diluted acid volume
- Output screen showing:
- Initial acid density at 20 ºC
- Desired acid density at 20 ºC
- Raw acid volume
- Required water volume for diluting the acid
- Name of saved calculation or type in a name to save calculation under (?)
- Double tap the results window to copy results to clipboard
- Rotate pickerview to revert back to a saved calculation
- Swipe left on the pickerview to delete the selected record
- Double tap the pickerview to load the selected calculation. This is required when you recall the preferred units (bullet 3) and want to load back the saved calculation selected in the pickerview.
(?)To change the record name, please follow the below steps:
- Complete all data entries (from step 7 to 10 above)
- Tap anywhere on the screen to process calculation
- Type the record name in textbox (12)
- Press save button (4)