
The Home navigation screen provides access to all modules included in the app.

1. The "Dilution" module allows the preparation of a diluted solution from a concentrated acid.
2. The "Concentration" module allows the preparation of a more concentrated solution from diluted acid by the addition of raw or more concentrated acid.
3. The "Neutralization" module allows the calculation of the required quantity of various alkaline to neutralize the given volume of Formic acid to a pH of 7.
4. The "Neutralization - Partial" module allows the calculation of the required quantity of various alkaline to neutralize the given volume of Formic acid to a reduced concentration.
5. The "Concentration vs pH" module allows the calculation of the pH value corresponding to a given concentration and vise versa, calculates the concentration value corresponding to a desired pH value.
6. The "Solution Preparation" module allows the calculation of the required acid volume from a given concentration to mix a solution with a given "Molarity/Normality"
7. The "Properties" screen gives a general information related to the product physical and chemical properties.
8. The "First Aid" screen provide guidance to basic first aid steps taken when exposed to uncontrolled Formic environment.
9. The "Units" screen allows user to set preferred calculation units
10. The "Help" screen allow access to this help document
11. The "About Formic Acid" screen allows access to developer website, App rating and reporting bugs.